Welcome to


and our new website currently under construction.

The menu above is not functional yet, but we are still offering healing sessions and courses, full details will appear here soon.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please send us a message!

We'd love to hear from you,

Jackie and Mark



In as little as... in as few as... in just one...

Pain - If you want to stop xy

Agitate - Your life depends on it, doesn't it?

Solution - I have the solution you need


Profound relaxation and healing for your mind, body and spirit

A gentle but powerful energy healing therapy, Reiki brings balance to your mind, body and emotions, promoting a calm, peaceful sense of wellbeing on all levels.

Reiki is safe for people of all ages, including babies, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly, for most conditions.

Although not intended to replace conventional medical interventions, it is being increasingly used in hospitals in America and the NHS. As well as aiding recovery from surgery, Reiki can help reduce the side effects of medicines, including chemotherapy, enabling them to be more effective. You remain fully clothed throughout the session. Sessions are equally effective whether in-person in our safe, comfortable healing space, or online in the comfort of your own home.

Reiki can help you:

  • relax and be more at ease with yourself, which promotes healing on all levels

  • become more resilient and confident, and better able to handle challenges

  • manage stress, anxiety and other difficult emotions better

  • help you find your own path to create a more satisfying lifebring balance to mind, body, spirit and soul

  • relieve pain from physical ailments and reduce post-operative pain

  • improve your sleep

  • strengthen the immune system

  • help with depression

  • increase self-belief and create a more positive outlook

  • help you better manage long term physical and mental health conditions


Here at Reiki North Wales, we teach various forms of Reiki, at all levels, including;

Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki level I & II

Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki Master

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®

Angelic Reiki level 1 & 2

Angelic Reiki level 3 & 4 Master

Details to be updated asap. For further information, please contact us.

Where are we?

Reiki Healing & Training North Wales

48 Deganwy Road


Conwy LL31 9DG

By appointment only

48 Deganwy Rd, Deganwy, Conwy LL31 9DG, UK


Introduce your main product that is directed at your niche. You are the expert.

Do this in a PAS / CTA format.

Pain - If you want to stop xy

Agitate - Your life depends on it,

doesn't it?

Solution - I have the solution you need

CTA - Click the button and book with

me right now


Introduce your main product that is directed at your niche. You are the expert.

Do this in a PAS / CTA format.

Pain - If you want to stop xy

Agitate - Your life depends on it,

doesn't it?

Solution - I have the solution you need

CTA - Click the button and book with

me right now


Introduce the fact that you are the

expert but you also are skilled in many

other areas.

Follow this format:

I've helped with a wide variety of

problems like: Abc, Def, and even Efg.

If you want to (big bold solution focused

claim of what they will get after working

with you.) (Short, sweet, and punchy.)

then click the button and let's talk.


Steve James

They changed my life and all that. I have improved by lacrosse and basketball game tremendously. I’ve been listening to the recordings from hypnosis sessions before each game, which helps me focus much better than ever before and ignore distractions to the point that I don’t see or hear anything not related to the game.

Dianne Peterson

They changed my life and all that. I have improved by lacrosse and basketball game tremendously. I’ve been listening to the recordings from hypnosis sessions before each game, which helps me focus much better than ever before and ignore distractions to the point that I don’t see or hear anything not related to the game.

Trisha Grey

They changed my life and all that. I have improved by lacrosse and basketball game tremendously. I’ve been listening to the recordings from hypnosis sessions before each game, which helps me focus much better than ever before and ignore distractions to the point that I don’t see or hear anything not related to the game.

My husband and I are very grateful we found Robert. We were referred to her by our daughter’s child psychologist. Her hypnosis sessions with Teresa have completely changed her life (and our lives): she went from a shut-down, fearful child to an opened-up, happy child. She stopped sleeping in our bedroom and is happy sleeping in her own bedroom. She is no longer afraid of the dark. She enjoys going to school and playing with her friends. We could not be more thrilled with the results of hypnotherapy and we highly recommend Robert to any parent who

worries about their child.

Dianne Loren

Tucson AZ

© Copyright 2024 Reiki North Wales - All rights reserved.